I'm keeping the blog up but my authors don't have to post because this blog is now under construction!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Field Ops #22

Report to the Command Room for the new Field Op!
We're still under attack! We've detected what may be a popcorn device - we must prevent another incident!

The device has been hidden inside a barrel. Work together to search the island, then shut it down.
To find this Field Op, go to the Forest and then go to the Hidden Lake:
You should see your Spy Gadget blink green, pick it up. You'll have to do a puzzle:
Then you'll earn one medal! If your a member, you can buy some cool gear, but if your a non member, then you can still collect the medal! Pretty cool Field Op, huh?
~Wwerocks88 (Wwerocks88 Club Penguin Cheats Team owner)


  1. I am using a different computer and I cant got on the chat

  2. go to file:///C:/Users/Landyn/Pictures/me.PNG to see my pic
